Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
PSYCH 101 003 Introductory Psychology

A general survey course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of modern psychology as a behavioural science.


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
PSYCH 312 081 Educational Psychology

A consideration of the main variables affecting learning in the classroom with special focus upon the conditions essential to efficient learning.


Offered online

Fall 2023
PSYCH 218 001 Psychology of Death and Dying

Variations in the meaning and significance of death and dying will be considered from a psychological perspective, with particular attention to the contexts (e.g., cultural, familial, life-span developmental) in which these variations occur.


Held with HLTH 218, GERON 218


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
PSYCH 230 001 Psychology of Law

Psychological principles drawn from a variety of subdisciplines (e.g., social, clinical, cognitive) will be surveyed in terms of their relevance and application to the legal system. Topics may include jury selection and decision-making, eyewitness testimony, insanity defense, competency assessment, risk assessment, and attitudes toward law and the legal process.


Held with LS 272


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
PSYCH 231 001 The Psychology of Religious Experience

Approaches of traditional psychological theories toward phenomena of religious experience, mysticism, and prayer are examined. The psychological process of creating and naming "gods" is considered as well as comparisons among altered states of consciousness including some forms of prayer.


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
PSYCH 312 081 Learning Disabilities

A critical examination of the concept of learning disability and of current issues in the assessment and remediation of learning problems.


Offered online

Fall 2023
PSYCH 336 001 Introduction to Clinical Psychology

This course is designed to survey major aspects of clinical psychology such as historical background, assessment and intervention models, current trends, and future directions in clinical practice.


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
RS 121 001 Evil

How do the religions of the world define evil? How do they suggest it can be overcome? Classical and modern writers from Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be considered.


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
RS 150 001 Christian Ethics

An introduction to Christian ethical theory and practice and their implications for personal and social living. Case studies will investigate sexual morality, business and medical ethics, environmental issues, violence and non-violence, and family life.


Offered on campus

Fall 2023
RS 180 081 Love and Friendship

A study of the significance of love and friendship in classical and contemporary religious writers. We will consider questions such as, "Why are friendship and love important for human living?" and "Is friendship with God a possibility?"


Offered online

Fall 2023