About Us
Board of Governors
Board of Governors
“The affairs of the University shall be managed, supervised and controlled by a Board of Governors.” (Section 7(2), Bill Pr34, An Act respecting the University of St. Jerome’s College)


The University is federated with the University of Waterloo.


The Role of the Board of Governors


This authority and oversight extends to the Board of Governors’ responsibility over the mission and vision of St. Jerome’s University. Specifically, the Board oversees the mission driven activity of the University, aligning the objects and reputation of the University with its foundational mission as a Roman Catholic university.


The Board of Governors’ oversight includes direction of governance matters such as policy, and business and financial affairs through the approval of operating budgets, with respect to revenue and expenditures, and management of property. It is the Board’s primary duty to ensure St. Jerome’s University fulfills its legal and financial obligations as an institution. In establishing accountability and transparent reporting processes with the University administration, the Board sees to the responsible management of the University by its administrators.


The Board of Governors are entrusted with the well-being and health of the University, and thus, must act in the best interest of the University.


Composition of the Board of Governors


The Board is comprosed of members from the broader community, the St. Jerome’s University faculty, staff and students, and representation from the Congregation of the Resurrection of the Ontario-Kentucky Province and the Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton, thereby ensuring that multiple and varied perspectives are considered.


Fulfilling the Responsibility of the Board of Governors


To carry out the responsibilities of the Board of Governors, there are four standing committees of the Board that report to the Board as a whole with recommendations for action and future direction. Committee membership and charters can be found below. In its work, the Board and its standing committees utilize and abide by the University's governing documents and policies.



Meetings held by the Board of Governors are open to members of the public, enabling them to be informed about the decisions made by the institution.


Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are held on the St. Jerome's University campus, in the Board and Senate Room, Sweeney Hall Room 1001. Please contact katrina.kaczala@uwaterloo.ca if you wish to attend a Board of Governors meeting. 

Members of the Board

The Board of Governors has up to 22 members including the Chancellor, the President (Vice Chancellor) of the University, the Provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Resurrection, the Episcopal Delegate, two faculty members, one staff member, one student member, and up to 12 members at large. One Board member must be a graduate of the University.

Bruce Rodrigues Chancellor
Peter Meehan President (Vice Chancellor)
Carol Ann MacGregor Vice President Academic and Dean
Fr. Tim Uniac, C.R. Provincial Superior Congregation of the Resurrection
Anne Jamieson Episcopal Delegate
Michael Pautler Board Chair, Member at Large
Deron Waldock Board Vice Chair, Member at Large
Cheri Chevalier Graduate Member, Member at Large
Melissa Carvalhal Staff Member
J. Andrew Deman Faculty Member
Norm Klassen Faculty Member
Katrina Møller Student Member
Matthew Bondy Member at Large
Michael Braga Member at Large
Melanie Garaffa Member at Large
Justin Heimpel Member at Large
Tamara Nugent Member at Large
Ayo Owodunni Member at Large
Alan Rego Member at Large
Shannon Straus Member at Large
Alayna Woodley Member at Large


Board Committees 2024-2025
Committee Charter
Mission Committee

Tamara Nugent (Committee Chair)

Matthew Bondy

Melissa Carvalhal

Cheri Chevalier

Andrew Deman

Anne Jamieson

Norm Klassen

Carol Ann MacGregor

Peter Meehan

Katrina Møller

Michael Pautler

Bruce Rodrigues

Fr. Tim Uniac

Mission Committee Charter

Governance and Nominations Committee

Justin Heimpel (Committee Chair)

Melanie Garaffa

Peter Meehan

Ayo Owodunni

Alan Rego

Alayna Woodley

Governance and Nominatations Committee Charter
Finance and Audit Committee

Deron Waldock (Committee Chair)

Michael Braga

Peter Meehan

Michael Pautler

Shannon Straus

Finance and Audit Committee Charter
Executive Committee

Michael Pautler (Committee Chair)

Tamara Nugent

Peter Meehan

Deron Waldock

Justin Heimpel

Matthew Bondy

Executive Committee Charter


Board Meetings, Agendas & Minutes
The open session portion of Board meetings are accessible to members of the public to attend as observers. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are held on the St. Jerome's University campus in the Board and Senate Room, Sweeney Hall Room 1001.
Please contact katrina.kaczala@uwaterloo.ca if you wish to attend a Board of Governors meeting. 
2024-2025 Board Meetings
Meeting Date
Meeting Agenda
Approved Minutes
October 17, 2024    
December 12, 2024    
March 6, 2025    
May 1, 2025    
June 12, 2025 (Annual General Meeting)    
2023-2024 Board Meetings
Meeting Date
Meeting Agenda
Approved Minutes
October 12, 2023 October 12, 2023 October 12, 2023
December 14, 2023 December 14, 2023 December 14, 2023
March 7, 2024 March 7, 2024 March 7, 2024
April 11, 2024 April 11, 2024 April 11, 2024
June 6, 2024 (Annual General Meeting) June 6, 2024  
2022-2023 Board Meetings
Meeting Date
Meeting Agenda
Approved Meeting
October 13, 2022
December 8, 2022
March 2, 2023
April 13, 2023
June 8, 2023 (Annual General Meeting)
For archived Board meeting agendas and minutes please contact the Office of the President.
Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

June 2020


St. Jerome’s University Board of Governors is committed to making our campus a safe place for all students, free from all forms of racism and oppression.


The Board of Governor’s full statement and commitments can be found here.

Current Board Member at Large Openings

St. Jerome's Board of Governors is not currently accepting applications. Board recruitment occurs on an annual basis and calls for applications will be posted here. Thank you for your interest.