Philosophy Research


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Nikolaj Zunic
Associate Professor
519-884-8111 x 28229
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Philosophy Research
Research interests of the members of the department run across different themes and historical periods, always with an eye on the perennial questions and answers that have shaped our understanding of reality in its most fundamental aspects. A particular strength and focus of the research being done are thinkers and ideas that play an important role within the Christian philosophical tradition.
Here is a brief and partial overview of individual members’ key areas of research:
  • Ancient Greek philosophy and Thomas Aquinas, more particularly on questions of ethics and philosophy of law and on Aristotle’s philosophy of friendship and natural philosophy (Stéphanie Grégoire)
  • Ethics, drawing from Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth, and applied ethics, concerning in particular end-of-life care and business ethics (Andrew Stumpf)
  • Medieval philosophy, with special emphasis on logic and metaphysics as found in the works of figures such as Boethius, Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas (Bruno Tremblay
  • Modern and contemporary philosophy, particularly in the German tradition, 20th-century personalism, ethics and philosophical anthropology (Nikolaj Zunic)



Stumpf recently co-authored a book on business ethics, With a Clear Conscience: Business Ethics, Decision-Making, and Strategic Thinking, coming out with Oxford University Press in late 2020.

