Subject Course Section Course Title Course Description Instructor Files Term
SMF 350 001 Love and the Law

Relationship breakdown is a social phenomenon that has legal consequences. This course provides students with a socio-legal foundation in current family law. Topics may include the court system, the litigation process, property division, spousal and child support, child co-parenting, child protection, high conflict families, and alternative dispute resolution processes.


Offered remotely

Denise Whitehead PDF icon SMF 350_D.Whitehead_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
SMF 496 001 Seminar in Family Studies - Intersecting Identities in Relationships

This seminar allows students to integrate their knowledge in the domains of couples, marriages, and family studies. Topics reflect current issues from a theoretical and research perspective.


Offered remotely

Toni Serafini Fall 2021
SOC 101 001 Introduction to Sociology

An introduction to the basic concepts and frames of reference of sociological investigation and interpretation. Topics for analysis will include communities, associations and institutions, classes and status groups, crowds and publics, social processes, and social change. Special attention is given to Canadian society.


Offered remotely

PDF icon SOC 101_S.Svenson_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
SOC 229 081 Selected Topics in Criminology

Sociological analysis of research and theory on selected criminal activities. Motivation, modus operandi, and the social characteristics of offenders will be examined in relation to such specific crimes as drug and sexual offenses, theft, robbery, murder, organized crime, and/or other criminal activities.

Held with LS 229


Offered online

Frederick Desroches PDF icon SOC 229-LS 229-081_F.Desroches_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
SOC 327 081 Policing in a Democratic Society

A critical examination of the police as social control agents in contemporary democratic societies. Topics include the historical evolution of policing; police recruitment, training, and education; police/community relations; the occupational subculture of the police; police authority and discretion; private policing; and police deviance and criminality.

Held with LS 327


Offered online

Frederick Desroches PDF icon SOC 327-LS 327-081_F.Desroches_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
SOC 369J 001 The Sociology of Community

This course examines how our contemporary concern with community is connected with the rise of modern society and the development of the urban-rural debate. Our anxieties about community will be shown to be connected to our anxieties about family. Special attention will be given to the interpretive approach to these issues.


Offered remotely

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 369J_K.Bonner_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
SOC 436 001 Alcohol and Well-Being

This seminar examines the relation between well-being, culture, alcohol consumption, and regulation from an interpretive focus. Topics addressed may include health, Alcoholics Anonymous, addiction vs. dependence, prohibition, and social discourses around alcohol consumption.


Offered remotely

Kieran Bonner PDF icon SOC 436_K.Bonner_Fall 2021.pdf Fall 2021
ARTS 390 041 Third-Year Topics in Arts Disciplines - Voice and Text at The Stratford Festival

This intensive immersion will be led by members of the Festival’s coaching team and will focus on acting the language of Shakespeare. The work will be practical in its philosophy and its application, wholly designed to give the aspiring actor a handful of tools with which to explore, personalize and perform Shakespeare’s text.


This is a block course and will take place May 3-15. Students may self-enroll up to April 25, and will require Department Consent following that.


Note: This course will be taught online through The Stratford Festival. Students will recieve instructions for accessing the course in April.

Alysia Kolentsis Spring 2021
ENGL 108P 041 Popular Potter

This course examines all seven of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels.

Jesse Hutchison PDF icon ENGL 108P_J.Hutchison_Spring 2021.pdf Spring 2021
ENGL 208C 041 Studies in Children's Literature

A critical examination of works of children's literature. Specific readings may range broadly, encompassing works as diverse as ancient folk tales and novels and poetry from the 18th century to the present day.

Spring 2021